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Pasta Chicken Bake

50 mins

A combination of pasta, barbecue chicken, frozen peas, ricotta, garlic and cheddar cheese, will allow you to make the Pasta Chicken Bake. It may take time to make, but the instructions are easy to follow, and the ingredients are healthy.


300g pasta shells

1 barbecued chicken

1 tbsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1 leek, chopped

500g jar pasta sauce

1½ cups (180g) frozen peas

250g ricotta

1 cup (120g) grated cheddar cheese

Step by step
  • 20 mins
  • 30 mins
  • 50 mins
    Time total
  • Cook pasta according to packet directions; drain; place in a large bowl.

  • Meanwhile, remove chicken meat from bones and chop into small pieces. Add to pasta.

  • Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat; add garlic and leek; cook 2-3 minutes or until leek is tender; pour in pasta sauce; bring to the boil; add to pasta; toss gently to combine; spoon into a baking dish; dot with ricotta and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden and heated through.


    For younger babies, simply place in a food processor or blender, thinning down with boiled water for a thinner consistency or mash with a fork for older babies.

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