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All About 0-6 Months Baby

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Childrens Dental Care

Looking after our teeth is a lifelong undertaking so it helps to get off to a good start. Brush up on our top tips for children’s dental care, including when to take your baby to the dentist, to keep your toddler’s cheeky smile healthy and bright.

2 mins to read Mar 31, 2021
  • Consider taking your baby with you to the dentist as soon as their first teeth appear. It helps them get used to the sights and sounds. 
  • Start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they come through. 
  • Sit them on your knee and use a smear of fluoride toothpaste on a baby toothbrush.
  • Let your baby watch while you brush your teeth so they can see how it’s done.
  • To help, stand behind them and gently tilt their head backwards. Look in the mirror so your child can see while you are brushing.
  • Brush in small circles covering all surfaces of the teeth.
  • Let your toddler spit the toothpaste out but don’t rinse with water.
  • Try to get into a twice-daily brushing routine as they get older.
  • Supervise brushing until your child is around 7-8 years old. 
  • Talk to your kid’s dentist about tips and advice on how to keep your child’s teeth clean and healthy.
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