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Raising Your Toddler to Have Good Manners

Teaching Manners

2 mins to read Apr 1, 2021

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.

Inculcation of good manners is an integral part of a child’s personality development and an important step towards raising a well-behaved child who can grow into a well-behaved adult.

Fortunately, teaching social manners doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are few tricks and tips for sticking with it and being successful:

  • Explain to your child the difference between being rude and being polite. Tell him what you truly expect from him, and don’t forget to be specific.
  • Repeat your remarks more than once. And every time your child makes a mistake, remind him of what you taught him, gently and respectfully.
  • Teach your toddler polite words, even if he’s not capable yet of understanding their meaning.
  • Teach your child good manners in fun playful ways, such as role playing. While enjoying your time together, you can show your little munchkin good behaviors you expect from him.
  • Encourage your tot to say hello and goodbye to people he meets or visits. And because varying behaviors can be expected from children aged 1-3 years, make sure to give your kid the chance to prepare himself for visits or meeting new people, always reminding him of what he should do.
  • Show your child the good social behaviors of relatives and family members around him.
  • Praise your child every time he behaves well or acts politely with others. Positive encouragement can stimulate your little one to make more efforts.
  • Reward your toddler when he makes a progress on learning good manners. Colorful stickers can be a fun prize!

Last and foremost, remember to be an inspiring role model to your child; act politely and respect everyone around you, including him. Toddlers love to imitate their parents and follow their leads and your tot is definitely not an exception!


Read More: Fun Ways To Teach A Child Good Hygiene Habits

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